helping you to enjoy making music
At, we know that making music in a group is great for your mental and physical health, as well as being lots of fun!
If you're interested in joining one of our orchestras, choirs or bands, please get in touch either by phone on 01847 893517 or using our contact form . Check out the "join in the fun" tab to see what's on offer.
It's great news that, thanks to co-op funding, our Caithness Junior Orchestra members now can choose a branded top in a colour or style of their choice, for free!
If you'd like to learn an instrument or brush up on your music theory, please do get in touch to talk to us about what we have to offer. We currently have quite a few woodwind instruments here which are available to lend to folk who want to get started on flute, clarinet or bassoon - if you are able to attend lessons regularly, then loan of the instrument is free of charge.
Finally, Katrina has finally recovered from the after-effects of long covid: for over two years her costochondritis made it uncomfortable to practice on her usual brass and woodwind instruments, but in response she turned into a pianist! She started her #couchtograde8 challenge in aid of the Scottish Schools Orchestra Trust in May 2020, and successfully completed it, managing to sit (and livestream) all of the piano grade exams from 1 to 8 within a period of just 12 months! If you missed it, you can still sponsor her and watch her introductory video here , and catch up on the livestream videos on the facebook page .