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"Pictures at an Exhibition" Project:

rehearse at home with members of the SCO!

During 2020/21, we all missed orchestra rehearsals so much!  This project was devised to allow you to practice in the comfort of your own home alongside our colleagues in the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Susie Dingle.  We had planned that this project would end with a live gathering of musicians, including some SCO players, in an orchestra event in Caithness - 

that's not been possible yet, but watch this space...

In the meantime, you can get practising in preparation.  All the sheet music, videos and encouragement you need are still available to access for free at the  SCO website .

Can I still join in?

Yes you can! 👍

Designed to bring musicians of all ages and abilities together with Scottish Chamber Orchestra musicians on-screen, the "Pictures at an Exhibition" project is continuing to enable participants to practise this exciting orchestral repertoire, with a conductor, in the comfort of their own homes.  We're still hoping to organise a live event in Caithness but this might not happen until 2023... watch this space & in the meantime, enjoy practising with Susie and the SCO on-screen !


Modest Mussorgsky

We're back!  If you want to make music in Caithness & North Sutherland and you can't find what you're looking for, why not just give us a ring on 01847 893517, leave us a message there and we'll get back to you. 😀

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