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Five ways that you can help:

1. Join a music group or a choir yourself!

2. Encourage your friends and your children to join a  music group or a choir.

3. Donate unwanted musical goods to us.

If you have an orchestral or band instrument which is currently unused  and which you no longer want yourself, please donate it to us and we  will lend it, free of charge, to a child or adult learner.

We'll also be happy to accept donations of music books for learners on  any instrument, or music stands that are still in working order.

4. Use easyfundraising to support us while you shop  online.

This doesn't cost you a penny - all the major retailers will make a small  percentage donation to us every time you shop online if you join this  scheme. It might only be 2% but the pennies add up, especially if you  remember to use easyfundraising when you make big purchases such  as holidays or Christmas presents. Try it today and help us for free!

5. Make a regular or one-off donation

If you would like to support the work we do then you can donate in  two ways:

  1. make a cheque or postal order out to "" and send it to us at 26 Grove Lane, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland, KW14 8AE.
  2. make a regular or one off transfer direct to our account: Sort Code 09-01-28; Account number 55771006. Please ensure that you put "donation" and your name as a reference to your transfer. Please also send an email to unless you wish your donation to be anonymous. We would love to be able to say thanks to you!

All funds donated will go directly towards the running of our inclusive community music groups and choirs in Caithness.

We're back!  If you want to make music in Caithness & North Sutherland and you can't find what you're looking for, why not just give us a ring on 01847 893517, leave us a message there and we'll get back to you. 😀

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